Thursday, 19 September 2013

handmade life

This photograph actually makes me so happy. It is me cutting my birthday cake (made by my sister) holding my niece S. What makes me really happy about this picture, besides how adorable S is, is the fact that I made all of the clothes in this picture! I made the dress that I am wearing, S's shorts and top (which is a self drafted peplum top pattern). 

I have not been sewing for long but I am so glad I am able to learn new things and grow my skills to eventually cover my entire wardrobe. I love to sew for the kids in my life. S recently inherited some polka dot shorts (red, pink and purple pairs PLUS the pair she is wearing in this picture) as well as the top. I also gave her a tail coat jacket, which is perfect for her as she is such a performer.

Sewing for my other niece (nearly 5!) is also lots of fun! Since she lives in Darwin now all of her clothes need to be nice and breathable and cool to wear. I have sent her up some shorts and tank singlets and will soon be heading up to visit with some polka dot shorts (pink and purple) and her very own geranium dress (if you follow me on insta you will know I love that pattern!). I am sure she will love it as she is a very girly girl.

Here are some other things I have managed to find time to sew for me:

One last photo of my self drafted top:

Monday, 16 September 2013

Friday, 13 September 2013

On work, uni, and business life balance


This is off topic but I am just feeling overwhelmed with everything I have due within strict deadlines. 

I am in my final year of Uni and have some major 50% assessments coming up that I have to finish. This would be fine but I find I struggle with the competing deadlines of uni assessments with customer orders.


VS assessment: (only some creative works pictured, I wont bore you with my thousands of words essays.)

Plus working as a teacher aide and doing housework. There is very little time left over for family and fun times. 

I am just feeling a bit down and unmotivated with commissions, orders and assignments. Things will be easier when I graduate this year. I am lucky to (often) have understanding and supportive customers, so thank you, it is always appreciated!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


I have been very busy of late with photoshoots as you know.

Here are some outtakes.

This one is a classy behind the scenes shot, me trying to take the photos while 20 people are hanging around behind me trying to make the baby smile. It worked... Kind of.

A sure fire way to get a smile though is to get all 4 older siblings in on the fun. 

If in doubt, blow raspberries on your model.

Havana, the gangster baby. 

Once she got the harem pants on she became a mover and a shaker. A great sign that they are very comfy.

But that was only one shoot I did that day, here are photos from another.

We had lots of fun, and if you follow us on Instagram (@morningstardesigns) you would have seen the rock star video we made together.

Join me soon for a tutorial on making harem shorts for any age from measurements alone.