Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Instagram Quilt

Today I finished up a project I have had in the works for a while; The Instagram Quilt!

To make this quilt I edited together screen shots of my instagram photos into a big patchwork grid on Photoshop:

Then I uploaded the files* to Spoonflower and worked out how they would fit on a yard:

*I made 2 separate grid files with different photos

I then waited very patiently (a few months) for my fabric order to arrive. I was thrilled with how most of the squares showed up. I purchased a few metres of cotton batting and 3m of dark blue cotton lawn for the backing. After sewing my 2 separate yards together and ironing the seam flat I ended up with a quilt the size of a king single bed. Not as wide as I would like but will do the job.

I would say to make a baby blanket only order 1yard or to make a queen size you could order 3 different yards and place one at the top and one at the bottom and cut the other in half lengthwise and run it up one of the sides to get the extra width. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Yes my dog Geo loves a good photo shoot. 


  1. Wow, that's really amazing and so creative! You know, I've found that Spoonflower fabric fades a lot. I would /love/ if you could report back on this for us! Such an awesome idea!

    1. Yes I am interested in how well it will hold up too. I will post another update after a few washes to see how vibrant it stays.
